Research Grants
About the Research Grant Program:
The purpose of the EATA supported research program is to facilitate the advancement of the athletic training profession. Funding priority will be given to basic, applied, and service related research initiatives. Research initiatives should focus on the domains of athletic training as identified in the National Athletic Trainers' Association (BOC Practice Analysis).
Interdisciplinary collaboration between athletic trainers and other health-care researchers is encouraged. It is imperative that appropriate standards be maintain when conducting research. Fostering high standards of excellence in research can best be attained by including qualified personnel, as per the focus of the research study, who can serve to ensure that the findings are acceptable in accordance with peer review. Furthermore, the principal investigator must be a certified member of NATA and a member of EATA (District I or II).
For questions about the EATA Research Grant Program or status of an application, please contact sub-committee Chair, Jennifer Ostrowski:
2025 Winner: Jennifer Longo, PhD, ATC, NREMT
Rowan University
Call for Grant Proposals (PDF) CLOSED
Meredith Madden, EdD, ATC, University of Southern Maine
“Utilization of an EAP Toolkit and Emergency Preparedness and Response”
Jennifer Longo, PhD, ATC, Rowan University
“Determining the ability of certified athletic trainers to recognize and accurately diagnose a patient in cardiac arrest”
Jennifer Earl, Penn State
Biomechanical effects of the protonics brace in healthy subjects
Publication: Earl JE, Piazza SJ, & Hertel J. (2004). The protonics knee brace unloads the quadriceps muscles in healthy subjects. Journal of Athletic Training, 39(1), 44-49. PMID:15085211
Todd A. Evans, MA, ATC, CSCS, Penn State
Postural Control and Self-Reported Functional Status Before and After Lateral Ankle Sprains in Athletes
Publication:Evans TA, Hertel J, Sebastianelli WJ. (2004). Bilateral Deficits in Postural Control Following Lateral Ankle Sprain. Foot & Ankle International, 25(11): 833-839. PMID:15574245
Michael G. Dolan, MA, ATC, Canisius College
Effects of Ibuprofen and High Voltage Electrical Stimulation on Edema Formation following Blunt Trauma to the Hind Limb of Rats
Publication: Dolan MG, Graves P, Nakazawa C, Delano T, Hutson A, Mendel FC. (2005). Ibuprofen and high voltage electrical stimulation curb edema formation following impact injuries to hind limbs of rats. Journal of Athletic Training, 40(2) 111-115. PMID:15970957
**Winner of Kenneth L. Knight Award Outstanding Original Research to appear in the Journal of Athletic Training, 2005
No grant awarded
Lennart Johns, PhD, ATC, Quinnipiac University.
ERA and BNR Analysis of Ultrasound Heads
Ryan T. Tierney, PhD, ATC, Temple University
Gender differences in head acceleration and dynamic stabilization during soccer heading with and without soccer headgear
Publication: Tierney RT,Higgins M, Caswell S, Brady J, McHardy K, Driban J, & Darvish K. (2008). Sex differences in head acceleration during soccer heading with and without headgear. Journal of Athletic Training. 43(6);578-584. PMCID:PMC2582549
Mary Beth Gilliam, ATC, University of Delaware
Postural Sway and Neuropsychological Performance Following an Acute Bout of Soccer Heading
Brian Pietrosimone, University of Virginia
The Effect of Cryotherapy and Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation on Treating Arthrogenic Muscle Inhibition of the Quadriceps
Publication: Pietrosimone BG, Hart JM, Saliba SA, Hertel J, Ingersoll CD. Immediate Effects of TENS and Focal Knee Joint Cooling on Quadriceps Activation. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise. 2009;41(6): 1175-1181. PMID:19461552
Stephanie Mazerolle, PhD, ATC, University of Connecticut
Promotion of work and family balance among division I athletic trainers
Publication: Mazerolle SM, Pitney WA, Casa DJ, & Pagnotta KD. (2011). Assessing strategies to manage work and life balance of athletic trainers working in the NCAA Division 1 Setting. Journal of Athletic Training, 46(2)194-205. PMID:21391805
Jason Scibek, PhD, ATC, Duquesne University
Establishing a Reliable Method of Measuring Scapular AP Tilt
Anne Russ, ATC, Temple University
Neuropsychological Influences on Neuromuscular Activation
Alan Needle, MS, ATC, CSCS, University of Delaware
Force Sense and Reactive Stiffening in Patients with Unstable Ankles and Potential Copers
Eric Swartz, PhD, ATC, University of New Hampshire
Football facemask, helmet, and shoulder pad equipment designs: Effects on acute airway and cardiovascular care in medical emergencies
Jane McDevitt, MS, ATC, CSCS, Temple University
N-Methyl-D-Aspartic Acid Receptor Subunit NR2A Polymorphism and Sport Concussion
Stephanie Mazzerole, PhD, ATC, University of Connecticut
A Comparison of Organizational Infrastructure on the Quality of Life of the Athletic Trainer
Grant Norte,MEd, ATC, University of Viginia
Central and Peripheral nervous system adaptations across the spectrum of ACL injury and reconstruction.
John Luke Pryor, MS, ATC, CSCS, University of Connecticut
"Effectiveness of an Intermittent Heat Exposure Protocol to Maintain Heat Acclimation"
Cameron Powden, MSEd, ATC, Old Dominion University
"The Evaluation of Response Shift and Functional Outcomes Following a 4-Week Comprehensive, Evidence-Based Rehabilitation Program in Individuals with Chronic Ankle Instability"
David R. Howell, PhD, ATC, Boston Children’s Hospital
“The Assessment of Blood Serum Biomarkers, Neurophysiological Function, and Balance Control after Concussion in Collegiate Athletes”
Lindsey Keenan, PhD, ATC, West Chester University
“Validation of Self-Report Depression Screening tools in Collegiate Student-Athletes.”
Samantha E. Scarneo, PhD, ATC, University of Connecticut
“A National Evaluation of Best-Practice Policy Adoption in Secondary School Athletics”
Steve Davi, PhD, ATC, University of Connecticut
“Effect of Fat Infiltration After ACLR on Quadriceps Mechanics and Patient Reported Function”
Erin Pletcher, PhD, ATC, Thomas Jefferson University
"Acute to Chronic Workload Ratio Monitoring of Softball Athletes"
Shawn Hanlon, MS, ATC, CSCS and Karin G Silbernagel, PT, PhD, ATC, University of Delaware
“Activity Modification and Load Management for Adolescents with Heel Pain"
Landon Lempke, PhD, ATC, Boston Children’s Hospital
“Development of a Return to Play Cognitive-Motor Battery: The Functional Assessment of Neurocognition in Sport (FANS)"
Jennifer Longo, PhD, ATC, NREMT, Rowan University